3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage This Christmas


Christmas is always a great time to strengthen our marriage. If we view Christmas as a time to spend with family and friends, we must also see it as a time to spend in further enriching and strengthening our relationship with our spouse.

During the first Christmas, we saw God strengthening the relationship between Jesus' foster parents Mary and Joseph. Although Joseph was planning to quietly break his engagement with Mary, God intervened and brought them even closer to each other, giving their union a purpose far greater than they ever imagined. (see Matthew 1:18-25)

If we let God strengthen our marriage with His purpose this Christmas, we will find it becoming stronger than ever before. Do you want a stronger, more meaningful relationship with your spouse?

Here are some things you can do to achieve that.

1. Remind Each Other of Why You Got Married in the First Place

No matter the circumstances that surrounded your relationship and marriage at its inception, hopefully by now you would've realised that it was God who brought the two of you together. My wife and I know this to be so true.

My wife and I knew that God was on the affirmative regarding our relationship, right from the start. We both know we were united for His pleasure and glory.

In the same way, you need to look into God's reason why He brought you and your spouse together. His love and purpose are the glue that will keep your marriage intact and strong no matter what you face together.

2. Obey His Commands in the Word of God

God will never command a husband to abuse his wife, nor take her for granted. He will never command a wife to disrespect and speak ill of her husband. God will command both to love one another in submission to Christ (see Ephesians 5:21-33).

Truly, one of the greatest ways to strengthen your marriage is to obey God.

Joseph obeyed God's command through the angel, and never left Mary even if he wasn't exactly the father of the child in her womb. I guess it was hard for him to face all the criticism about Mary getting suddenly pregnant, but in his obedience he faced it anyway. He stayed with her and the growing baby inside her, eventually becoming the earthly father of the Man who would save the world.

3. See Each Other as God's Special Christmas Gift Second Only to Jesus

Jesus was the greatest Christmas gift that God gave to all men. Next to Him is your spouse, and nothing else. Think about it.

In the beginning, after God created Adam, He looked at him and decided to "make a helper who is just right for him" (see Genesis 2:18 NLT). This helper, or partner, Eve, was the only person that God designed specifically to be suitable or perfect for Adam as a partner.

Your spouse, no matter his or her flaws and imperfections, is the perfect partner for you. God designed your spouse with you in mind, the same way He designed Eve for Adam. Cherish your spouse's uniqueness – it's especially designed, formulated, and planned for you alone and no one else.