3 Things Men Let Go of When They Marry


Men are natural adventurers based on how God created them, and one of the greatest, most rewarding, and most costly adventures he will ever make in his life is to marry. Yes, to marry a woman and be her husband.

A Treasure That Exceeds the Cost

Each and every adventure a man embarks into requires a letting go of other opportunities. When a man marries a woman he lets go of many other things that he would otherwise have if he were single. The things that he lets go, however, are far outweighed by the great things that a growing, blossoming marriage brings. Trust me. I have experienced this to be true.

Being married to my dream woman meant saying goodbye to some opportunities, and a passionate "good riddance" to others. Letting go of all those things was worth it because my wife is a treasure worth far more than anything I ever had, next to Jesus. I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Young men, don't believe the common misconception that marriage is a cage that doesn't allow you to move freely because being married to the right person actually frees you to do more. Don't believe the lie that tying the knot will choke you – because the truth is that the knot will secure you.

Here are some things that a man has to let go of when he chooses to marry.

1. Himself

The first thing a man lets go of when he marries is himself. He has to learn to put aside his personal agendas in order to meet his wife's needs and longings. The newly married man begins to realise that each and every decision he makes will ultimately affect his wife whether he likes it or not. It's a must that he has to learn interdependence with his wife.

This principle is something God Himself established since He created the first couple. In Genesis 2:24-25, we read that the man and the woman are joined into one, and are naked without the need for shame. This simply means that the man has to learn to let go of himself, consider his wife with his decisions, and be transparent with her – no secrets, and no lies.

2. His Comforts

Men normally dislike being told what to do. When a man marries, though, he has to realise that his wife will tell him her likes and dislikes. Some wives would nag, but a husband who listens and accommodates his wife's concerns and requests would be spared that. There are some men, however, who consider their wives' requests plain annoying. Are you like that?

Married men need to give up some of their comforts to be able to accommodate their wives' loving requests. They shouldn't pass these requests as annoying nags – they should see them as an opportunity to show love to their wives.

3. His Control of Resources

While single, men usually spend their hard-earned money on what they want for themselves. When they marry, though, they should realise that what they own is automatically shared with their wives: properties, vehicles, time, ideas, life, and yes, the bank account and that paycheck.

Married men earn money to meet the needs of their families. Other resources, such as time, energy, personal belongings, are all shared with the wife, too. After all, they're "one," right?

Worth the Trade

Young men, if you can't let go off yourself to serve your wife, you won't have a great marriage relationship. Although you might say that the effort you give is much, realise that what your marriage may bring you are way beyond what you desire.

"At last!" the man exclaimed. "This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called 'woman,' because she was taken from 'man.'" – Genesis 2:23