Bishop of Chichester to lead pilgrimage to the Middle East

The new Bishop of Chichester will be leading a pilgrimage to the Middle East in November 2014.

The pilgrimage is taking place from 20 to 28 November to raise awareness of peacemaking efforts in the region.

Dr Martin Warner became Bishop of Chichester last year and is an experienced leader of Holy Land pilgrimages.

The pilgrimage will take in the Galilee, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Pilgrims will visit the main holy sites and spend time in prayer and reflection.

"The pilgrimage is open to all and I really hope that people from different parishes will join us," said Dr Warner.

"This gives us, as a diocese, the chance to explore the life of Jesus where it happened to meet contemporary Christians in the Holy Land.

"The situation between Israel and the Palestinians dominates the news headlines but you really have to be there to experience the uniqueness of this land."

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