New Testament translated into ASL

After 23 years of work by some 60 people, Council Bluffs-based Deaf Missions for the deaf has finished translating the entire New Testament's 7,959 verses into American Sign Language.

The translation will be available on DVD and videotape after editing is completed, this summer. The project will benefit to so many deaf people, approximately 1 out of 1,000 persons is deaf or hearing impaired. It was needed because ASL is the native language for many deaf people.

"For most deaf people, English is their second language. How would you like to have to read a message that is critical to your life in some language other than English? Probably you wouldn't read the Bible at all," said Duane King, Deaf Missions' executive director.

The whole book of Bible consists 66 books. So far, 13 books out of 39 of New Testament were translated, the Council plans to continue working on its Old Testament translation.