Women Call for Action Against Violence for Church Council's 9th Assembly

A gathering of Portuguese-speaking women has made a loud cry to be heard at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 9th Assembly to take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil in February 2006.

More than 50 women from churches in Angola, Brazil, Mozambique and Portugal gathered in Sâo Leopoldo, Brazil from 11-15 August to call out – ‘No more violence’ – adding, “Violence is sin, and God calls us to salvation.”

The gathering brought together people from many denominations; Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Reformed as well as Anglican. One thing that they all shared was their exposure to violence in their daily lives.

A message to the churches at the end of the meeting highlighted the action of God in their lives. The message said, “We note that violence against women, whether physical, sexual, psychological, economic or spiritual, is a reality in our churches and our countries.”

Referring to the physical and psychological violence towards women in Mozambique a theologian said, “African women's hearts have been broken. Unfortunately, in our culture, the belief that husbands must beat their wives to prove their love still exists.”

Rev Paulina Makumbu from Angola said, “Power is still concentrated in men's hands. There are African women who are educated but unemployed, and others who are working but badly paid, with husbands but who reproach them.”

The Assembly is hoped to be a place where a focus can be given to the rights of women said Rev Makumbu.

Rosa Maria Cruz Ángela from Portugal, despite belonging to the so-called first world, told how women in her country also suffer from violence. She said. "Within the church we are respected, but in society not always. Many Portuguese women are forced to become prostitutes, suffer from domestic, sexual or psychological violence as well as from gender discrimination."

"We realise that sexuality is a gift from God that makes us human," the meeting's message proclaimed. "However, this gift has been appropriated by the economic and cultural models that produce sex trafficking of girl children and facilitate the spread of HIV/AIDS, thus dehumanizing women and children around the world."

The women gave a powerful commitment to denounce the situation and to seek ways to fight sexual exploitation and the propagation of HIV/AIDS.

Churches have been reported to be creating ecumenical networks to raise awareness on this issue of HIV/AIDS, as many are misinformed about the risks attached.

In Mozambique, an estimated ten percent of the population is infected by the virus, and shockingly the myth that an HIV-positive man will be cured if he sleeps with a virgin is prevalent in the country.

The women urged churches to commit themselves at the Assembly to "work together to make concrete changes in the lives of women and children, as a sign of the transforming grace of God".

The meeting was said to have been useful in helping the women to prepare themselves for participation in the Assembly to take place next year.