'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' monster contract guide: what to know

Witcher 3 website

The successful release of "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" has focused the spotlight on game grinding and leveling up in the world of RPG and fantasy. The title is full of different events, quests, and missions that make even hardcore game grinders look for walk-throughs and guides online. 

The title also introduces a type of questing called Monster Contracts. In this type of missions, main character Geralt must track down and hunt different species of monsters that roam "The Witcher 3" world. Contracts are independent of the main storyline, but most players and hardcore RPG fans level up first by doing these types of missions. Contracts in the game range from easy pickings to full-fledged combat, and so these quests are a real test of combined skills, combat prowess, and alchemy. 

How would players come across these Contract missions? Monster Contracts are unlocked somewhere between the main plot of the title and the secondary quests. To begin checking out unlockable Contracts, players need to have Geralt use his Witcher senses in investigating a location and checking out details about the monster. 

Developing information about the enemy is important, since each monster has different weaknesses, which Geralt can check out using the Bestiary. He can then create potions, bombs, and ready herbs; and develop combat strategy by readying whatever skills he has in store in order to hunt down and confront the beast, and win in combat.

Monster Contracts are not that necessary to level up in the title, but most players find it convenient to do, and together with secondary quests, contracts are good missions to complete for fast leveling-up. Contract missions are also good missions to do practice combat, and these quests greatly help players in familiarizing themselves with the different tactics and combat gameplay in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt."