Why you should stop listening to toxic thoughts


God has ordained a certain power over words. It was through the Father's words that the world came into being, and it was by the Word -- Jesus Christ -- who was the spoken promise fulfilled that man was saved from sin.

Death and life are found in the power of the tongue, and the things that we say or don't say can actually be more powerful than we think. When we speak fullness of life and encouragement to people, we become a blessing to them, and when we speak toxicity and discouragement to others, we can easily bring ruin and destruction.

The same goes through for us as we receive toxic and discouraging thoughts, and the sad part is that toxic thoughts and words abound nowadays. We go to the office, check out social media or even sometimes at home and toxic words are often present.

If you've ever heard someone tell you, "You're worthless," "Things would be better with you gone," or "You're stupid," and it's bothered you, you need to be set free from the toxicity around you. Philippians 4:8 tells us, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

When we hear toxic words, it can often make us feel that we are insufficient, incompetent or even useless when the truth is we aren't. Many times, we start performing for the sake of earning our worth instead of working as a result of God's full acceptance now given through Christ. That's how powerful words are.

But we don't have to listen to such words. While a good rebuke or correction may be good at some point, but a fully toxic word spoken only to attack, malign or devalue you is only a weapon the enemy uses to remove you of your life and fullness.

John 10:10 tells us, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Through Christ, we are now to receive the fullness of God's acceptance and affirmation. Toxic words will only try to rob us of that, and that's why we need the Word of God to constantly remind us that we are already accepted through Christ.

When we receive the fullness of Jesus and surrender our lives to His Lordship, we no longer have to receive the toxic thoughts and words that others may speak against us because God will always say otherwise. In Christ, we have a purpose, we are valuable and we are accepted.