Why motivating yourself isn't enough to change you


Motivation is an important thing, but if we are in pursuit of radical change from the inside out, it will take more than just worldly motivation to push us into real change. We all need the conviction of the Holy Spirit and God's Word.

Real motivation for change

God's Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit, has been proven time and again to convict people and cause them to have real change – a change that is more substantial, more powerful and longer-lasting than the change produced by any other kind of motivation (see Acts 2:36-37; 2 Kings 22:11; 2 Chronicles 34:19).

Consider how children are motivated to change their behavior when they get scolded by their moms. Consider how thieves stop stealing big amounts of money when apprehended by the police. Consider how the sick change their health habits because they are already diagnosed with a life-threatening disease.

These changes are good alright, but all of them aren't founded on the right things, and are not changes that come from the inside. Why? Just think how that child would want to do the wrong thing if mom isn't around, or how the thieves would steal again if cornered by poverty, or the sick continue their bad habits because they think they're "going to die anyway." Friends, outside motivation is not enough.

God's conviction is enough

Friends, the conviction that the Holy Spirit brings us is powerful enough to push us to change. The Lord Jesus said that the "[Holy Spirit] will convict the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment" (John 16:8). He will convict us of three things:

"... concerning sin, because they do not believe in [Jesus]..." (verse 9)

First, He will convict all of us people of our sins and our innate sinfulness with our apparent and desperate need for the Saviour, Jesus. We are nothing without Him (John 15:5). Those who won't believe are condemned already, but those who believe are freed from condemnation and will live eternally (see Mark 16:16; John 3:16).

"... concerning righteousness, because [Jesus went] to the Father..." (verse 10)

Second, He will convict believers of their standing in God as His children and status as Christ's representatives being moulded into Christ-likeness. He will remind all of us that Christ already paid the price for us, and that we should no longer live the same way used to before we were saved (read Romans 8).

"... concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged." (verse 11)

Third, He will remind us that judgment is coming to us. Satan has been judged already (see John 12:31), and someday it will be our turn to face God one-on-one to give a personal account of how we lived our lives (see Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10).

Get God-convicted

Apparently, friends, the only motivation that can change our lives is the conviction that comes from the Word of God, powered by the Holy Spirit. No other motivation can empower us to live holy and righteous lives as much as God's precious Word and Holy Spirit does.