Why it's perfectly OK to live a lifetime of doing little things for Christ


Many of us may have felt the desire to demonstrate our faith in a big way, either as a leader or follower of a major Christian group. However, a lifetime of doing little things to show our faith is just as worthy as one lived in the limelight.

Here are four reasons why that's the case:

1. If you can be trusted with a little, you can be trusted with a lot

Jesus asked his disciples to watch and pray with Him before His death. But on more than one occasion He returned to find that they had fallen asleep. Yet, these same disciples wanted to take on the responsibility of protecting and defending Jesus.

Like the disciples, we can pray for God to use us in a grand way and fix our eyes on becoming the best ambassador for Christ by taking a prominent position in bringing news of the Kingdom to the world.

Jesus said to his disciples: "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."—Luke 16:10.

This is what we need to remember if we ever grumble at the smaller responsibilities we're tasked with.

2. Little things help you learn big lessons

When we're children, homework seemed not just uninteresting but unimportant. We asked: "What good can possibly come from a few hours a week doing something we'd rather not do?"

We also wondered why the teacher refused to allow us to express ourselves and our understanding of things in our own way.

Despite our attempts to convince ourselves, it's homework that reinforces the lessons we've learned, and demonstrates our ability to grasp and implement these concepts outside the classroom.

When we put Christ in the position of the teacher and ourselves in the position of the student, we realise that the little things are in a way our spiritual homework. How we respond to them reveals whether or not we understand the simplicities and the complexities of our faith.

3. It's the small things that keep you focused and humble

The little things help us learn a tremendous amount about ourselves, others and, of course, God.

Doing little things that no one knows about is one way of showing that we are honouring God.

Being part of an exciting and extravagant demonstration of faith – planting a church, personally assisting someone who previously had no faith along their journey to Jesus – is great, but we need to remember that everything we do, even the small deeds, can be part of the bigger plan.

4. Small gestures help shine a light on God's grand gesture

Any effort—be it serving the homeless in your local area or donating generously to your church's charity collection—can help direct people towards Jesus. Each demonstration of Christ-like love, no matter how small we think it is, is important.

We might not recall having done any one outstanding thing, but each time we do something inspired by Christ's love we can help to build up a bigger and brighter picture of Him to those around us.