Why Heavenly Treasures Bring Earthly Treasures, Too


"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." — Matthew 6:19-20

Everyone has values, and we all act according to them. Some might be run by the right values and others might operate on wrong values.

The Bible makes it clear that right values will always put importance on the things of heaven more than the things of earth. Heavenly treasures are anything that will last beyond this age, things that cannot be destroyed.

What are some of the heavenly treasures we need to pursue? Some would include our character, our relationship with God and others, wisdom, spiritual gifts, the fruits of our attitude and so on.

One of the biggest misconceptions, however, is that our pursuit of heavenly treasures will cause us to lost earthly treasures. We think that because we would rather have the things of God, we should anticipate poverty and material depravity. But that's not always the case.

In fact, heavenly treasures can and will most likely lead to earthly treasures as well. When we seek to build our character and our godly wisdom, it's only natural that we learn to be good stewards of gifts and possessions and have an abundance of finances and possessions. When we focus on relationships with other people and with God, we will find peace in this age just as much as the next.

The heavenly treasures that come through God's kingdom actually serve in some ways as tickets to even more earthly treasures. You don't have to starve for God's greater glory. God wants your blessing to start here on earth. John 10:10 declares that Christ has come to give life more abundantly and it can start today.

That's not to say that we automatically become assured millionaires when we seek heavenly treasures.

But God will richly supply us more than we need. And the greatest part of it is that when you have your sights on heavenly treasures, we become invulnerable to the temptation to love earthly treasure in a way that would destroy us.

Matthew 6:33 tell us this: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

When we seek God's kingdom and His heavenly treasures, there's a big chance that God will add earthly treasures to you as well.