Why Death Isn't What You Expect It to Be


News feeds and media channels have been flooding us with updates, extended condolences and recollections of a handful of recent celebrity deaths. We have seen people such as George Michael, Carrie Fisher, and Debbie Reynolds pass away since Christmas Day.

The other night while out with coffee with family, my wife commented, saying how shocking it is to see so many deaths in a span of a few days. To that I almost mindlessly responded by saying, "There's nothing common about death; it just so happened that these ones happened to famous people at a time no one wants anyone to die."

I wasn't trying to be cold and rash, and it's not that I don't care. But after contemplating on something that I had just said almost automatically, I realised how much of a reality death truly is in life. We run away from it because of fear, but truth be told, we just can't escape it.

Death Is Not Uncommon

This most prevalent statistic has remained all throughout the ages: Out of every 10 people, 10 will die. People die every day—famous people and unknown people, rich people and poor people. It's a fate that we all will come to at some point.

2 Corinthians 5:10 tells us, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil."

Life is not so much about fighting death but also about being ready for it when it comes. Are we truly ready for the day when death comes knocking on our doors?

Jesus Grieves With Us

No matter how attuned we are to the reality of death, it will always hurt. Jesus knew death and also knew life, but as He came to the tomb of a dear friend (whom He later resurrected by the way) He could only weep (John 11:35). In times of death, there is a time set for mourning, and that's fine.

There's nothing wrong with broadcasting famous deaths, but we must learn to set aside just going on with the trends for the sake of genuine grief. Genuine grief brings about the appreciation for life as it is truly valued. It teaches us to number our days.

Death Is Not as Powerful as You Think

As real as death is, it's also truly powerless against the victory that has now been won at the cross. As 1 Corinthians 15:55 says, "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"

At the age of 26, I can't say I'm ready to die at anytime, but after seeing friends and loved ones pass at the age of 20, 30, even 3 or 4, I have come to know the true value of the finished work on the cross. As short as life may be in this age, we are to be truly grateful that this is not our final destination. Death has no power over the life that is in Christ. Praise God that there is truly life eternal.