Why daily dependence on God is the only way He wants things


Jesus warned us that the world would be rough on us (John 16:33) but also promised that in Him we can find peace and victory to overcome all problems that we may face.

It's funny how I once found myself being selective in the days that I would trust God. I was once the kind of Christian who was all out for God on Sundays crying in worship, shouting 'Amen!' during the preaching, and praying vigorously in ministry time—only to live on the weekdays as if I was in charge, only running to God when troubles would get overwhelming. This is not the kind of way God calls us into.

1 Peter 4:12 says, "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."

Imagine having so much problems that such situation becomes a norm. That's what it was like for the early believers in the time the church was only beginning to be established. Persecution, strife, financial difficulties, and relational dysfunctions were all but normal at that time.

Today, we may not all experience the same level of persecution and suffering the the early church did, but still God might still allow one or two overwhelming problems to come to us. Sometimes it even feels like every day is marked by a challenge or two. The only reason why God allows for such trial to come is because it's His way of teaching us to depend on Him daily.

Psalm 68:19 tells us, "Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah."

In all trials and tribulation, God is more than willing and is actually extremely eager to help us. In fact, He desires to bear us up and not just assist us. When we receive assistance from a friend or an institution, it is all but limited. But when God bears us up, the help He provides is unlimited and is all sufficient.

But the question we must ask ourselves today is do we live a life that confesses that all sufficiency is in Christ, or would we rather still put our faith on ourselves or on things of this world that may very well fail us in a way God never would?

God desires to be the first option and not the last resort. He is not a spiritual shrink with whom we cast our burdens to only on Sundays. He is a God who desires that we commune with Him at all times both in the good and in the bad. He said in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

In God, we can truly find everything that we need—strength, sustenance, provision, affirmation, affection, and overflowing blessing. He desires that we tap to Him all the time.

We can depend on Him day in and day out. God's not keeping tabs on the calendar waiting for you to run out of time with Him. He wants us walking in Him and with Him all the days of our life depending on Him because He loves us and enjoys sustaining us on a daily basis.