What does the Bible say about angels? They are different from people but can appear as people, writer says


What do people really know of angels? Many picture them as innocent-looking little babies dressed in white cloth.

Christian writer David Ruzicka wishes to enlighten people about the Bible's account of angels.

He writes in an article for The Christian Post that only three angels were named in the Bible. Two of them are Gabriel while the other one is Michael. The third one is Lucifer. Although all of them are excellent and impressive, Ruzicka says Lucifer is impressive for all the wrong reasons because he rebelled against God.

God created angels—just like people—but they are different from people. "People will never be angels," Ruzicka points out. "Angels are God's servants and only carry out His will. People are created by God and if in Christ will live with God forever as people."

However, angels can appear as people, says Ruzicka, just like what happened in Genesis 18:2 to Abraham. "Abraham didn't recognise when angels came to see him," he says, adding that people have been around angels all of their lives and didn't even realise it.

Ruzicka also says it's possible that angels can take the form of animals, because the Bible does not say anything to disprove it. "I suppose an angel can show up in whatever form God wants it to," he says, so man's best friend could be God's servant in action.

As magnificent as angels might be, Ruzicka strictly warns Christians not to pray to them. "Prayer is an act of worship and we only worship God. Also, Jesus was very clear about how to pray. He said to pray like this, 'Our Father...'" he says. "Anakin Skywalker may be Luke's father, but no angel will ever be your father. Pray to your Father. Pray like Jesus."