To Go To Church, Or To Not Go To Church: 3 Reasons Why Committing To Church Is Important


The Church, the body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, is composed of people as varied as how God created them to be – men and women, young and old, athletic and not, artistic and not, introverted or extroverted – all of them loved by God. Yes, that's the church.

Despite the love that God pours out so generously in the church, and the large number of people inside the church willing to give to others the overflow of love that God gives, many people just stop going to church. Why is that so?

Why Stop Going?

Many people who leave their church do so for various reasons. Some of them leave due to problems with church members; some leave because they need to relocate to another place for work or study; some leave because of personal preferences; and some leave simply because they don't see in action what they hear being preached on Sundays.

Whatever the reason, the fact is that there's a large number of people who have left their church. Sadly, some of them aren't coming back.

These people are missing out on fellowship, a community of people who can give them support in different areas of their lives, and a family to belong to.

Why You Should Go

This brings me to the reason why I wrote this article. While the church is on the lookout for newcomers every Sunday, the Lord Himself is on the lookout for lost sheep who have left the fold. They are the former members who have left, and God is looking for them.

If you're one of the lost sheep I am talking about, I want to encourage you to pray to God for a new family of faith in Him. You might not want to return to your old church, and so you need a new one. Here are some reasons why committing to a church family is important.

1. Fellowship

The early church, as seen in the Book of Acts, had constant fellowship, which is defined as a "friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests." Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ should go with fellow believers so that they can encourage one another to continue in the faith.

Your fellowships will say exactly what your interests are. Go with those who love the Lord.

2. Community

While almost similar to "fellowship" in definition, the idea of community conjures an image of people having things in common, synonymous to "neighbourhood." Christians who commune with one another share in the grace and love that God supplies for one another.

Community also implies having "shelter," a place where one can find a safe place to be open and vulnerable. It's crucial that you can find a church where you can be yourself and give yourself in service.

3. Family

Lastly, churches provide family. Those who believe in Christ are brothers and sisters to each other, having none other than God as their Father.

Having a spiritual family in church will greatly help in your walk in Christ. These people will encourage you and help you grow more Christ-like with each day.

Pursue God, Not The Church

Friends, it would be wise to know that no church on earth is perfect. Every church is composed of grace-needing humans, and so conflict and some amount of discomfort might happen. Instead of thinking about that, just pursue God Himself. He's the real reason you go to church anyway.