Tired of ministry work? Here are some things you can do to recharge


Ministry sure is fulfilling, but it is very tiring. All who have served in ministry in any capacity know that although ministry work can give great joy and happiness to both the minister and the people ministered to, it can cause the minister to feel exhausted and drained, even reaching the point of quitting – hence the term "burnout."

Are you tired of doing ministry work? If you are, be encouraged by the fact that you aren't alone. Men of God in the Bible received refreshing breaks themselves: Jesus often went to secluded places to pray. David often spent time in God's presence. Paul said he was refreshed by many things, including the coming of faithful friends and the good news regarding the growing faith of many. If they needed refreshing, we do, too.

Here are some things we can do to recharge ourselves from ministry.

1. Withdraw from people to spend time alone with God

Ministers often face people, right? Because of the public nature of their jobs, ministers often get drained by public demand – more so if a minister is an introvert.

It would help ministers to take a break so they could spend time alone with the Lord. They could go to a place where they don't have to worry about seeing or meeting people. Jesus often went to the mountain, and at one time was even there in the middle of the sea, walking (maybe He was praying there, too). It would do us good to spend solitary time with God.

2. Get enough rest

Frankly speaking, rest is not a luxury. It is a necessity, an important matter that ministers must never learn to miss. God made it and declared that all must put themselves to rest, in His honour.

God said we must keep the Sabbath day holy (see Exodus 20:8). Many interpret this as just spending time to serve and honour the Lord on Sundays. Because of this wrong idea, many ministers fail to rest. 

Jesus said "Sabbath was made for man," and not vice-versa. We are to honour God not just on Sundays, but in every day of the week. God's Sabbath means we must rest.

3. Spend good quality time with your family

Friends, ministering to others can be draining, but spending time with your family with greatly refuel you. We may not notice it, but if our relationships at home — either with our spouses or children or parents and siblings — are in tip-top shape, we'll be refreshed just by spending good time with our loved ones.

Go out and take your family on a long drive. Have fun. Swim, sing, dance, eat together. Talk to your wife and ask for her prayers. Watch your child grow up to love God. Enjoy worship together at home. Thank God for your closest relationships – they're blessings to you.