The best way Christians can overcome the enemy's lies


We live in a world saturated with lies. The enemy has bombarded humanity with his lies since the first man and woman came into being, and he will keep on doing it non-stop.

Of course, we can see no hope of him stopping himself from lying, after all, "when he lies, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (see John 8:44)

How do we overcome his constant and blatant lying against us?

By knowing, believing, and living in God's truth.

How he lies

Satan, the father of lies, is an expert liar, so much so that he can't speak anything that isn't a lie. Yes he does use half-truths, and that's how he is able to deceive many of us (look at how he deceived Eve in Genesis 3) but he will never admit the truth that God has overcome, that Christ has defeated him, and that those who are in Christ are no longer under his power.

The devil has various types of lies that he uses to derail all people: those who are without Christ, those who are coming to Christ, and those who are in Christ. Let's talk about them briefly and how we can win over them.

1. Twisting God's Word to 'meet' our desires

Oh this one is so effective that many of us often fall into it. Have you ever had that experience where you thought the Word of God spoke to you, but instead of growing in humility and Christ-likeness (always the result of a God-ordained work) you grew proud and arrogant against God?

Satan tried this trick on Christ. In Matthew 4 we read how he tried to tempt Jesus with the line "if You are the Son of God" followed by what appeared to be scripturally-sound-but-not-really challenges. Jesus shut him up by the precise and correct usage of God's Word.

2. Reminding you of a past sin or fault that really happened

This is another commonly used tactic wherein Satan reminds us of our failures and sins. We can't deny that these happened. At times he would remind us of some sin we try to hide, or even the sins we have already repented of from decades ago.

When this happens, it's no use trying to deny that those things ever happened, because if they did we would be lying. Instead, we must stand on the truth of God's Word that says if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive. And yes, when He forgives our sin, He remembers them no more.

3. Blatantly opposing God's Word

Another thing the enemy does is to directly challenge, question, or refute God's very Word. We read how the enemy deceived Eve. We read how he tried to challenge Christ. This is fairly common.

When the enemy tries to oppose God's Word in your mind and heart, choose to stick to God's Word. "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

There are some more ways, but these three are probably the most common. Wield the Word of God as your weapon against the enemy's lies!