Overcoming the trap of being bitter towards ourselves


Bitterness is a prison sentence we unknowingly bring upon ourselves, thinking that we're doing it upon others. Dealing with bitterness towards other people who have offended or maligned us can be very difficult. But imagine how much more difficult it would be to deal with bitterness towards the self.

To be bitter is to give in to an unforgiving feeling that only allows hatred, malice, and hurt to spring out towards others and poison ourselves in the process. It's a serious poison that we should get rid of.

The only antidote for this is the forgiveness that comes through Christ.

But sometimes we find it harder to forgive ourselves than to forgive other people.

Maybe this is caused by a strong bondage of self-hatred, or the fact that you know better than anyone how deep your offence was because you're the only witness to your own transgression. Maybe you've ruined a relationship or have been stuck in the same sin for years. Whatever it is, bitterness is just making it worse.

I have dealt with so many people who have openly accepted the forgiveness of others for the wrong they may have caused but are still stuck in shame, guilt and even sin because they have not extended forgiveness towards themselves.

We may sometimes think that anger towards the self may be helpful because it makes us fear making the same mistakes again.

But that's not the way God's forgiveness works.

2 Corinthians 5:17-18 tells us, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.

When forgiveness comes, the new us comes, leaving the old behind. The process brings about reconciliation only because the old has been forgotten, forgiven, and forsaken.

We cannot dwell on the sins of the past. If we want to be free from them, we must cast them away as far as the east is from the west because to God that's exactly where they should be going.

But sometimes we hold on to bitterness so tightly as if it's doing us any good. It doesn't.

The forgiveness of others is a divine gift that brings restoration. But to receive the forgiveness of others yet remain bitter towards our own selves makes the process of forgiveness incomplete.

Let us remember that we can forgive ourselves because God Himself has forgiven. Jesus has paid the price in full and you don't need to add to that anymore. Just receive by faith and claim that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was more than enough for you to experience liberty today.

It's time to get off that trap of bitterness towards the self, and start walking in Christ's freedom and forgiveness today.