OM shares Gospel through 'the beautiful game'

While South Africa may not be favourites to win the World Cup, workers with Operation Mobilisation (OM) are hoping to see games and souls won at this summer’s competition.

‘The Ultimate Goal Campaign’, which began on June 4 and runs until July 12, involves hundreds of Christians sharing their faith through ‘the beautiful game’.

With distribution of Gospel tracts, evangelistic soccer camps and ministry to prisoners all planned, the size of the outreach almost matches the scale of the tournament.

Amongst the throngs of fans arriving in South Africa are thousands who come from countries where access to the Gospel message is limited. OM teams involved in the Ultimate Goal Campaign are therefore using South Africa’s religious freedom to share their faith with those who may have never heard the Gospel properly explained before.

At the same time, the outreach programme is extending to some of South Africa’s neediest communities. During specially organised football camps, orphans in the country’s townships are learning both soccer skills and about a father in Heaven who loves them. Other teams will meanwhile bring a message of hope to South Africa’s prostitutes, HIV/AIDS patients and prison inmates.

All those joining the Ultimate Goal Campaign are receiving Biblical teaching about the Great Commission and practical training in how to share their faith.

Furthermore, many of the outreach activities are being coordinated with the assistance of local churches. This connection helps the participants from outside Africa, including several from the UK, quickly adapt to sharing Christ in a way that is both culturally appropriate and relevant.

The involvement of South African Christians also facilitates the follow-up of those who express an interest in knowing Jesus more.

Each year, hundreds of Christians from the UK join a short-term mission trip organised by OM. Ranging in length from one week to six months, these programmes are open to those aged 18 and over, and many outreaches include options for families or church groups.

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