Not sure of your purpose? God is already working on it


God has big plans for you, oh boy does He. And when we drive ourselves into the fullness of Jesus Christ, there's no stopping you from entering the Father's beautiful and wonderful plan that He has in store especially for you.

The first question that many Christians find themselves asking is "What is God's will for me?," and we should all be asking ourselves that question. However, so many believers ask this question with a wrong notion of God's will. We think that we aren't in it yet.

Can we truly ever be out of God's will? When we ask God to bring us into His will, does that mean we were ever out of it? If you really stop and think about it, when we view God's will this way, we can be led into a whole new realm of anxiety thinking that we could be going down a path that God doesn't want for us.

We look at every profession change, school transfer, migration or ministry decision and think one will lead us to God and one will lead us away from God. As a result, we start to fear the unknown and think that if we don't decide right, God may choose not to bless us. But is this frame of thought ever right?

While there could be some decisions we make that could dishonor God, not every decision becomes a split between the wrong way and the right way. God's will is not a wage that we have to earn by making the right decisions. It is a gift that is freely given to us when we seek Him with all of our hearts first and then let Him add all things into our lives.

Jeremiah 29:11 declares, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.;" When God spoke this to Israel, they weren't very willing to follow God. In fact, what God was leading them to did not feel like a decision that was "bringing them to God's blessing" per se. They were being exiled from their land to live as second-rate citizens in another!

But God declared that even if the Israelites made some bad choices and chose their way instead of God's way, He was going to bring them into His good and pleasing will. God's will is never dependent on our excellent decision-making or perfection. It is based on His faithfulness, and as long as we abide in Christ and seek God's presence and glory in all we do, we are in God's will.