More millennials giving premarital sex a miss, study finds


Many people perceive the youngsters of today as promiscuous and casually engaging in premarital sex due to their increasingly liberated opinions about sex. A recent study, however, seemed to have shattered this perception of millennials.

According to the study published on the "Archive of Sexual Behavior," the number of millennials, particularly those who were born in the 1990s, who said they have not been engaging in sex, was more than twice as high compared to those who made the same admission from the Baby Boomer Generation, or those born decades earlier.

The research found out that 15 percent of millennials aged 20 to 24 said they had not had sex since age 18. This number is notably higher compared to other generations, particularly those born in the 1960s (six percent), 1970s (11 percent) and the 1980s (12 percent).

Because of these findings, the study concluded that "the new sexual revolution has apparently left behind a larger segment of the generation than first thought."

Rebecca Oas, Ph.D., the associate director of research for the Center for the Family and Human Rights, however argued that the fact that millennials skip sex does not mean they have been left behind by the sexual revolution.

"The idea that these kids are 'left behind' by the sexual revolution is quite strange, as if they've somehow been sealed in a bomb shelter and never knew it happened," Oas told Life Site News.

She added that the current generation of youngsters is more likely choosing to play it smarter than their predecessors.

"More likely, they've seen that experiment running its course and decided they'd rather learn from someone else's mistakes instead of their own," Oas said.

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute agreed that millennials seem to be more aware of the consequences of engaging in premarital sex.

"I think a lot of them are watching the adults around them and concluding that sex without limits is not making people happy," Morse also told Life Site News.