Monday goodness: Why going back to work is an exciting thing to do


Most of us consider the weekends the best times of the week. Why? It's because we find time to rest and do the things we love, like going out with family or spending time on a hobby. When Monday comes, many of us feel the dread of going back to the routine work schedule: the commute, the cubicles and desks, the calls, the papers, the tools—you name it. Monday seems to be a bad day, right?

Wrong. When God made everything, including the days of the week, He saw it all as "good" (see Genesis 1:31). Friday, Saturday, and Sunday aren't the only good and fun days of the week—Monday is, too.

Monday goodness

Some often contract what is called "Monday sickness" just before the clock strikes twelve on Sunday evening. Why? We often want to get more sleep and rest and time for fun. Brothers and sisters, this should not be. Monday is one of the best days of the week, aside from the other six!

Monday is the day when we go back to work. Monday is the day when the kids go back to school. On Monday, offices resume, and we need to show up or the boss will get mad, our salaries will be lessened (due to absences or tardiness), and bills will need to be paid. But, truth be told, it's all of these things that make Monday (and other days) a good thing.

God's goodness

Why? It's because God can show Himself good to us when all of these things appear. Going back to work becomes an opportunity to shine for Christ. Going back to school means more time to learn and witness for Him. Working excellently shows that God does provide us with strength and power to produce wealth, and our salaries mean that God meets our financial needs and enables us to be a blessing. Think about it.

The bills that need to be paid? They remind us that we have a better home with Christ in heaven. The daily commute? It reminds us how Christ traveled from eternity to be with us on earth and work hard for our salvation. The daily grind? It reminds us how God continually enjoys watching over us, even though we may feel bored and unmotivated by life. Our bosses? They give us an opportunity to show how Christ became humble for our sakes. Our coworkers? They remind us that we are not perfect, and all of us need God's grace in Christ.

Monday isn't a bad day at all. God made it. It's good.