Looking for your perfect spouse? Focus on this


The search for the perfect spouse is a common thing for many single men and women out there. But contrary to how many tend to focus on seeing and meeting "the right one," we should all realise that we should instead be focusing on marrying someone who will help us focus on "The One," God Himself.

Biblical reminders

The Bible does give us many reminders regarding the ideal spouse. I, for one, am thankful to the Lord for His Word which gives young men and women the qualities that we should all be praying for.

One of the most powerful Biblical reminders that was given to us is that of Proverbs 31:30, which says "Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised." 

For the men

Some of us men make the mistake of not applying the verse to ourselves. What do we desire? Are we primarily captivated by a woman's glance or charm? Do we have that tendency to stay stuck in a woman's outward features and beauty? Are we able to see if that woman we like has a heart that seeks to love God above everything? Let us ask ourselves: Do we look for what God wants for us, or do we just pursue what pleases our eyes and senses?

Guys, we should all seek to have the heart of God for all the women out there. Before we dive into looking for that right partner, we should all first have the same love that God has for His daughters – or else we will end up chasing after charm and beauty, both of which are fading. More than that, we should all desire to marry a wife who loves God more than us, because God is more important than any of us.

For the women

Ladies, on the other hand, might make the mistake of misunderstanding that verse. Some think that because they're a Christian who regularly goes to or serves in church, they already love God enough. Sisters, I urge you to go beyond that. Go beyond being a nominal Christian. Go beyond looking good in church. Go beyond being sisterly towards all the men. Go for the fear of the Lord. Learn to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

Personal encouragement

I'd like to encourage you to ask God for a God-fearing spouse. Personally, I'm very happy that God granted my prayers for a God-fearing wife. He gave me a wife who loves Him more than she loves me, and more than that – she's a truly beautiful and very charming woman who loves God more than anything.

I'm not the best man in the world, and I'm not perfect as a husband, but I encourage all the singles out there: ask the Lord for a partner who will help you get closer to Him. I'm grateful to God for giving me a wife who continues to help me grow in my relationship with Him.