I'm broken and unqualified, can I still lead?

Stock Snap / Lukasz Kowalewski

God's original idea for every person is to be a leader in one area of life or another. When you have children, manage a few people or run a national organization, you are obeying God's call to be a leader. We were all meant to be leaders, but what happens when we aren't cut out to be one? What about the person who doesn't meet the qualifications to be a leader?

One example we can look at in the Bible in terms of leadership qualifications is Gideon. In many ways, Gideon was unqualified to be a leader. He was a coward as he hid from enemies in a thresher, a doubter as he tested God's call multiple times, and insignificant as he was not born of a strong lineage.

I'm pretty sure Gideon had a few strengths, but Judges 6-7 does not highlight them. Why? Because the highlight here is that God did not choose Gideon based on his qualifications, but that God chose Him despite of his disqualifications.

Often as leaders we might feel that we aren't smart enough, experienced enough, charismatic enough or old enough to lead a certain group of people. Maybe some might feel they can't lead at all because of the mistakes they've done in the past. What's worse is there are also some people who think it is because of their qualifications that they will be able to bring success to their group, community, business or family.

Here's bad news and good news: Bad news is that your qualifications don't matter, and good news is that neither do your disqualifications because it's not about that.

Human qualifications and disqualifications are helpful, don't get me wrong, but when viewed in the wrong light and emphasised too much, it can also be a hindrance to leadership. That's because human qualifications can stand in the way of God's qualifications. God used Gideon not because he was good enough or smart enough (even though he may have been), but according to God's grace.

So how are we to respond to qualifications? Should we throw them out completely? Not unless God tells you to. But remember that even your qualifications are an expression of God's grace and goodness. It is God who gives strength, who gives ability and who gives authority.

But in times you feel unqualified, remember that it is not based on your weaknesses because even in your weakness, God will be strong. If you know and you know that you pursuing God's idea, He will be the one to make whatever must happen come to pass. We are simply called to participate by putting our faith on Him and His ability.

In what areas do you feel unqualified to lead? How can you turn them into opportunities to trust in God?