How you can encourage your pastor to do more for Jesus in ministry


There are so many ways you can bless your pastors or church leaders so that they will be motivated to do more and give their best for Jesus in ministry. Are you looking for sure-fire ways to encourage your pastor to do better? Here are a few things you can do toward this end.

1. Support your pastor financially

In my place, there are many pastors who have to go out and find an odd job or part-time work simply because the church they pastor cannot meet their financial needs. The Bible says that "you shall not muzzle an ox while it treads the grain" (see 1 Corinthians 9:9; 1 Timothy 5:18; Deuteronomy 25:4), but in reality some pastors are unable to focus on the ministry of the Word and prayer because they need to work to provide for their family.

You can help alleviate your pastor's financial worries so that they can give more time to ministry by opting to support their needs, including even those of their family. You can commit to give them cash, food items or gift cards. If they have kids, you can offer to sponsor some of the children's educational needs.

2. Commit to serve the Lord with them faithfully

Paul was greatly encouraged by the coming of Timothy, who according to him, was like a son to him in preaching the gospel (see Philippians 2:22). In the same way, you can commit to serve God alongside your pastor.

Volunteer for some church work. Offer to visit the sick in their stead. Be their assistant, faithfully and lovingly helping them out as they preach, teach and lead the church.

Best of all, have genuine care for the flock that your pastor leads. They will see it, and will be greatly encouraged to have you around (see Philippians 2:19-20).

3. Help your pastor in building the church

Let me just clarify: No matter what a pastor, deacon, bishop, vicar or any other church leader does, it's God who makes the church grow (see 1 Corinthians 3:5-11; Matthew 16:18).

Still, we as God's people need to do our part (see 1 Thessalonians 5:11-22). We should give encouragement to one another and stop all forms of fighting and ungodly behavior. We should commit to love our church family, and help them all to grow in the Lord.

The work of shepherding will be easier for the pastor when the flock themselves care for one another. We are called to be our brother's keeper (see Genesis 4:9; Acts 6:1-7), faithfully and lovingly building one another up.