How understanding animal sacrifices still benefits us today


If you think that the Old Testament has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and the new covenant, you'll be surprised to know how decorated it is with the presence of Christ and the foreshadowing of our current covenant.

Many Christians today think that the Old Testament is outdated literature that was canonised just for the sake of formality. There is, however, so much truth, power and revelation in the Old Testament that once viewed through the lens of Jesus can reveal relevant and powerful meaning to us today. One of the many Old Testament elements that reveal such truth to us is the element of animal sacrifice.

Traditionally, the sacrificing of animals for the atonement of sins started with the establishment of the Mosaic covenant with the people of Israel. However, the presence of animal sacrifice goes way back to the beginning of time. The first time an animal was sacrificed was in Genesis 3:21 where it says, "And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them."

More than just a physical and practical clothing of a man and woman now ashamed of their sinfulness, the animal skin garments also served as spiritual clothing. God shed the blood of innocent animals so that Adam and Eve would not have to die for their own mistakes. Animal sacrifice comes from the idea that every sin we commit must in turn cause death (Romans 6:23), but instead of us dying, a spotless lamb, dove, or another prescribed beast was sacrificed for the sins of an Israelite.

Today, we no longer practice such rituals because there is now no need for it. That's because the Bible tells us that Jesus became the sacrificial lamb once and for all for the sins of all mankind. The weight of sin is so heavy that it must bring forth death, but through Jesus Christ, billions and trillions of people now are given the opportunity at eternal redemption and cleansing from sin now simply through faith.

1 Peter 1:18-19 tell us, "knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot."

Understanding the Old Testament element of animal sacrifice builds a realisation for us of how serious our sins are that it would cost us and an innocent animal so much and of how gracious our God is that He would give His own life so that we would forever be free from the clutches and occurrence of sin in our lives if only we believe in His unlimited grace.