How To Know If It's Really God Who Spoke To You


Many Christians today claim that God has spoken to them. While I believe that God still speaks personally to His children, not all voices that speak to us come from God.

So how do I avoid being deceived? How do I know if what I heard was really from God?

The answer is really simple: The Word of God.

God's Spoken And Written Word

Many Christians live mediocre lives all because they didn't know how to understand God and His will. Some of these beloved brethren do so because they have no idea of who God is. Worse, some of them don't have a clue about God's plans because they don't open and read the Bible.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us,

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." (MEV)

God's Word is enough to train us and build us up in the faith.

Psalm 1:1-3 even encourages us, saying, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season; its leaf will not wither, and whatever he does will prosper." (MEV)

In Luke 11:28, we read,

 "Jesus replied, 'But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.'" (NLT)

Growing Sensitive Ears

Friends, we can train ourselves to distinguish if some voice indeed came from the Lord. Hebrews 5:15 tells us,

"[...] solid food belongs to those who are mature, for those who through practice have powers of discernment that are trained to distinguish good from evil."

We have the option to train ourselves to know if a voice really is from God and should be heeded. We also have the option to just stay inside our room and rest.

Friend, it all starts with becoming a Christ-follower. Jesus Himself said in John 10:27,

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

Stick To The Word Of God

We all need to follow Him, hear His Word, and keep it. Let's all stick to the Word of God and compare everything we receive with it so that we will see if what we have is of the Lord's.

"Jesus answered him, "If a man loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words. The word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me." (John 14:23-24)