How to face trials and testings with joy


Trials and testings are meant to produce in us the character that God wants. Patience is often produced by situations where we have to wait; gentleness by those where we can be easily tempted to lash out in furious anger; and generosity is often produced by times of lack and need.

Trials and testings are in no way pleasing, but the Bible tells us to count it all joy when we face them (see James 1:2). How? Here are some things you can do or meditate on to do that:

1) Fix your eyes on Jesus

The Lord Jesus, "for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (see Hebrews 12:1-3) Even the Lord Himself needed to look at the end result of what God wanted Him to go through so that He could push through with all joy.

Being our role model, we should imitate the Lord Jesus Christ. Although He is God, He became a normal man just like us. And being a normal human, He also experienced pain, anguish, and emotional turmoil (read Matthew 26:36-46). Yet because He saw the end point of His suffering, He went through it all.

See the purpose for your suffering and if it will bring forth fruits toward Christ-likeness, endure it with joy.

2) Realise that your testings will be testimonies

Paul said that if he was comforted in his troubles, it was so that he could comfort others who are in trouble too. (see 2 Corinthians 1:3-7) We all need to realise that today's hardships and sufferings will be tomorrow's encouragements and comforting messages to those who are hurting and in need of help.

Take for example Joseph in the book of Genesis (see Gen. 37-50). He was betrayed by his brothers, sold as a slave, framed for a crime he did not commit, and was forgotten in prison. Yet, when the right time came, he was able to relay the goodness that God showed Him through it all to his family after they reconciled. To this day, Joseph's experience encourages us, and glorifies God.

3) Remember that God will never leave you

God promised that He "will never leave us nor forsake us." (see Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5) Because of this and this alone, we can already face everything with joy.

Seeing the endpoint of your suffering is good. Realising that your hardship will encourage others to believe is awesome. But knowing that God is with you through it all is the greatest reason for you to rejoice.

In the book of Acts, we find the believers being happy that they were "counted worthy of persecution for Christ's sake." Think about their mindset. Most of us want to avoid suffering, but the early believers were so happy that they faced hardship and persecution for their faith in Christ!

Friends, realise that God is with you. See your hardship from this perspective, and find strength and joy whatever comes your way.