How to Be on Fire Again for the Lord If You Feel Like Your Passion Is Gone


Our lives as Christians are continually progressing. This day you get saved, tomorrow you press into God's Word, after that you become part of a church group, and soon you find yourself serving the Lord by serving people in any given capacity.

During these times, we're all bombarded by tests, and if we can't overcome we find ourselves overwhelmed. And when we're overwhelmed, we feel weary and tired from serving our loving God who never stops loving us.

Are you at that point in your life? Do you feel like you've lost your passion for God, and want to be on fire for Him once more? There's hope, my friend. God knows where you're at, and wants to bring you back.

Here's what you should do.

1. Realise That God Knows Your Heart and Wants Your Love

In Revelation 2:4, God said, "But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first!"

God knows our hearts. He knows if we're in passionately in love with Him. He also knows if our hearts are lukewarm or cold towards Him. No matter how much we try to deny or hide it from our brothers in church, we can't hide it from God.

2. Recognise Your True Condition

In Revelation 2:5, God continued, saying "Look how far you have fallen!"

We have to know the true condition of our hearts, because if we don't, we'll never know what we need or know what to do in response.

We have to be honest with ourselves. Why did our passion fade? What is it that caused us to stop pursuing God? What is it that's taking our attention and passion away from Him? Are we angry at God for allowing us to suffer even when we served Him with all our hearts, strength, mind, and wallets?

Are we deep in sin? Are we fearful of criticism? Whatever the reason is, we have to be honest and admit it. Only the truth can set us free.

3. Repent of Your Sin and Return to God

God continued in the same verse, "Turn back to me and do the works you did at first."

We know God loves us and wants us back, but we have lost the passion because of one reason or another. How do we get back and have that renewed passion? By simply repenting our turning away from God, and simply returning to Him. It's as simple as that.

Friends, there's no magic here. We don't need to have someone lay their hands on us for us to feel absolutely, wholly, and crazily in love with God. What we need is to decide to return to Him in love. I pray you choose to love God again, because His love for you is everlasting.