Rick Warren: God is watching how every person decides to spend their life

God is watching His people all the time, said Rick Warren.(Photo: Saddleback Church)

God is watching His people all the time, and He is checking how people are using the gifts and talents He has given them in their daily lives.

"God wired you in a unique way and gave you certain talents, and he's watching to see how you use your shape. Are you going to use your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experience for yourself, or are you going to use them for God? Are you going to live for yourself, or are you going to make a contribution in the world using your shape?" Pastor Rick Warren wrote on his website.

There is not one moment in a person's life that God is not watching, he added. Unlike people, God never gets bored with humans, nor does He think that their pursuits are insignificant.

"God actually says, 'Before you were born, I had you in my mind. I have never missed one breath of your life,'" said Warren. And this is why people need to be mindful of the things they do, because God cares.

One day, said Warren, people's lives will end on Earth and they will stand before God. They will give an account for how they lived their lives, and how they used the opportunities, the networks, the relationships, the mind, the talent, and shape God has blessed them with.

Judgment day is pretty serious, warned Warren, and he reminded Christians that life is simply a preparation for eternity. "It is a test! Your shape is important because how faithful you are now with what God has given you will determine how much more he gives you in eternity," he said.

If people spend their days faithful to what God has intended for them, then they will be rewarded for eternity. But if people throw away their lives and opportunities, Warren warned that it's going to be a tragic loss in eternity.