God Has A Purpose In Mind For Your Most Disappointing Times


There are hundreds of reasons that a Christian can get disappointed—lose a job, overspend on a phone bill, end a relationship, get stuck in traffic on a hectic day, have someone cut you in line, etc. Whatever the magnitude of our disappointments, the most common reaction is to wish we didn't have to face them.

But disappointments are part of God's process. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that for every disappointment God has a purpose. Romans 8:28 tells us God makes all things work together for our good. We have reason to believe that when Paul said all things, he meant ALL things—even including disappointments.

But let's get one thing straight: God never disappoints us. We get disappointed not because God causes it, but because we live in an imperfect world stained by sin and suffering. In fact, many times disappointment comes as a result of our doing, not God's. But in God's faithfulness, He delivers us from disappointment that might be caused by ourselves or others even when we don't deserve deliverance.

In the midst of great disappointment, God can turn things around for our good. Here are three ways that disappointment can benefit us now that God has made a way to turn it into good.

1. Character Development

Romans 5:3-4 tells us, "Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope."

If there's one thing that has moulded my character, it's the disappointments I've had to face. If you look back in your life, chances are you'd say the same thing. Character development isn't as enjoyable as we'd like it to be, but the fruit and returns are always worth the process.

2. God's Big Rescue

The biggest requirement to a breakthrough is a barrier. When there's no conflict to overcome, there's no reason for God to rescue. Have you ever considered how boring and dull life would be if God didn't have to rescue you out of situations? I'm not saying we should get ourselves in terribly bad situations, but I'm just thankful that every time we face trials God always comes through.

Psalm 34:9 tells us, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all." Your disappointment is just the set-up for God's great miracles.

3. Trust Towards God

Let's face it: The times that you grew most in your faith and trust towards God is when you were facing disappointments. As Romans 5:4 tells us, trials produce hope. That hope is no other than a hope in Jesus Christ and His finished work.

In the midst of our greatest disappointments, we learn to trust God for deliverance most especially when disappointments go beyond our own natural capability to go beyond them. It's in our weaknesses that Christ is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9) and it's in our disappointments that God shows Himself as reliable and faithful.