Francis and Lisa Chan fight for an ounce of holiness everyday

Francis and Lisa Chan say they fight for an ounce of holiness everyday.Vimeo

It is so easy to peg pastors and church leaders as the epitome of Christian goodness and purity, but they would be the first ones to tell you that they're not and that they struggle with issues and sins too just like everybody else.

Francis and Lisa Chan told the Christian Post in an interview that they are far from perfect, and they constatly deal with issues such as fear and selfishness.

"I'm as selfish as the next guy. I'm just thankful for the grace of God, that He opens my eyes occasionally to make the right decisions, decisions that I won't regret," Francis said. "We fight every day for any ounce of holiness."

His wife Lisa said that making the right decisions doesn't always come easy for them, and without God's guidance, they would have probably let fear and selfishness take over.

When former inmate Shawn Gordon and his wife Carolyn needed a place to stay, Francis opened his San Francisco home to the struggling family. But Lisa was afraid and initially opposed the idea of having Shawn and Carolyn move in with them. 

However, God ruled over her fears in the end. "To have them come and live with us and now to see them serving God, loving each other, discipling others, it just makes you, you know, your heart so overwhelmed with the thought and the joy of why would God allow us to be part of that," she said.

"If I had said no. If I had said this is my house, I don't want to give up my bedroom, where would we be? What would have happened?" added Lisa.

Francis and Lisa say everybody goes through the same struggles, and that it's possible to overcome them. Furthermore, it's worth the effort of trying.  The couple say they want to face God in the end being proud of carrying out His mission on earth.

"I want her to hear God say 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of the master,'" said Francis.