'Final Fantasy 7 Remake' update: Title massive enough to have multiple parts

Final Fantasy VII Remake gameplayYoutube screenshot via Playstation

Some fans have observed that reboots of classic titles and franchises often involve higher-level graphics and improved details and game mechanics. However, it seems that the remake of the classic "Final Fantasy 7" will be different from the rest as recent details show that "Final Fantasy 7 Remake," although featuring the same characters and stories, will be an altogether different game.

According to GamesRadar, going the episodic route is the only option for "Final Fantasy 7," given how big the vision was when it was conceived by its creators. When the project was announced, publisher Square Enix said that each episode of the multi-parts series will offer a unique experience for players.

To the industry follower, what this means is that "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" will focus on the game itself, not just on the general storyline that made one of the bestselling points for the original title. For the upcoming game, Square Enix could really focus on developing the "Final Fantasy" world, including the environment, mythology, and regions. In addition, having a scope as large as what Square Enix had mind will also completely build up each character and not just focus on the main protagonist Cloud Strife.

Although Square Enix did not directly enumerate the details of how massive "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" will be, producer Yoshinori Kitase gave a glimpse of how big they are envisioning the project.

Writing on the official Square Enix blog, Kitase said, "The biggest reason why we haven't done a remake until now is because it's a massive undertaking to reconstruct FINAL FANTASY VII from the ground up with the current technology. Producing a proper HD remake of FINAL FANTASY VII that maintains the same feeling of density of the original would result in a volume of content that couldn't possibly fit into one installment."

Meanwhile, leaks seem to confirm the massiveness of the upcoming title. According to Polygon, one of the changes to the new version of "Final Fantasy 7" is that it will feature full-voice acting, while MoviePilot believes that if the upcoming "Final Fantasy XV" is an indication, the remake of one of the most iconic franchises will also feature massive locations and detailed characters.