Feeling like you've failed God? Here are 4 prayers for you


Disappointing someone who we admire more than anyone else can have a huge impact on our confidence to do the right thing. Once we've recovered from the guilt, one of the first things that we want to do is make it up to the person we've let down and prove to this person and ourselves that we're better than our last mistake.

No matter how strong our faith, there will be times when we fall short in terms of fulfilling God's expectations and following His instructions.

Maybe you can relate to this now more than ever because you recently committed a sin, which you vowed to turn away from, or you ignored God's call because you were too scared to do what He asked of you. However you've failed to live in accordance with God's Word, it doesn't have to be a negatively defining moment in your life.

As well as actively demonstrating that we can change, it's also important that we acknowledge our sins, repent and ask for forgiveness.

Our God is just, so we shouldn't try to avoid talking to Him when we fall short.

Do you feel that some of your recent thoughts or actions have failed to live up to God's will for your life? Don't let a lack of words stop you from turning to Him in your time of need. The following prayers can be adapted to specifically address what you've done wrong or failed to do right.

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me. I have fallen short of your glory and need your help to overcome. I pray that you light my steps and lead me out of the darkness and back into your light. Amen.


I confess my sins to you. I am sorry for failing to do what you've asked of me. I know that you are faithful and just and will forgive me. Please purify me from all unrighteousness and enable me to turn away from my sin and towards you. Amen.


I have the desire to do what is good, but sometimes I do not always carry it out. I am sorry for the times when I disobeyed you and chose to walk down a path which led me away from you. Help me to find joy in obeying your law and to forever give thanks that you have delivered me through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dear Lord,

I am sorry for my sins. I know that you blot out my transgressions and have given your son Jesus Christ so that my sin is no longer a barrier to having a relationship with you. Give me the strength to move past my failures and move in the direction of righteousness. Amen.