Does the Bible really teach that women are inferior to men?


God made men and women to play different roles, but did He make the role of women inferior to that of men? We can see in the way that Jesus Christ treats His bride -- the church -- that there are many reasons to believe that God is not a misogynist creator, but one who created men and women equal.

Men and women have different God-given functions, but nonetheless God made them to be equal. When God said in Genesis 2:18, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him," he wasn't referring to women as slaves or maidservants. The exact word used in this context was the Hebrew word ezer, which means helpmeet or someone who equally shares in one purpose.

God did not make women to be subordinate, but to be partners to men in the honoring of His name and building of His kingdom here on earth. In understanding God's call for equality amongst men and women, we must completely grasp the role of men and women.

The role of men

In a marriage, God ordained husbands to lead. In His church, he ordained men to be overseers. That's because God gave men the innate and natural call to be the head. That's not to say that men are more authoritative.

We must remember the way the Trinity works in order to see God's true heart for leadership. God the Father is the head and the leader of the Trinity, but He is in no way more powerful or authoritative than God the Son and God the Spirit. They are equal even though they function differently.

Men are to be the leaders, the protectors and the bearers of burden. Jesus likens Himself to bridegroom who leads, builds, provides for and protects the church, actively serving us as if we were co-heirs of the Father's goodness and blessing.

The role of women

Women are called to support and champion man's cause. That's not to say that women do not have a say in decision-making in relationships and in ministry, but God does intend for women to be a strong base for men.

And while most corporate offices have contemporary women leading as CEOs, managers and directors, God intends for the household and the ministry to operate in a way where women uphold the cause for men. To submit does not mean to be under. In fact, Jesus says in Mark 9:35, "Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all."

Women have different roles, but they are not in any way lesser than man. That's why God formed Eve from Adam's rib, to remind us always that man and woman are to operate side-by-side in their unique callings but with both functions being of the same importance.