Does Doing Good Increase Our Chances of Getting Into Heaven?


Heaven: the place where everybody, Christian or non-Christian, wants to go to. Each and every person is looking for a sort of paradise they could go to someday, a place where suffering is non-existent, where living is a bliss, and there's no more reason to cry or be in pain. In short, a place of rest.

Sadly, not everyone knows the way to heaven. Some try some form of spirituality, others try to earn entry to it. Others don't believe it, but deep in their hearts they have a longing for it.

This brings me to what I want to share to you. Do you want to go there? I'm sure you do. But can you at least increase the possibilities of going there by trying to do good? I'm afraid not.

Doing Good Isn't Good Enough

We can never gain access to the heavenly rest if we rely on our own capacity. No matter how noble, how kind, how generous we are, we'll never get there. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

I am reminded of the many noble people who died doing what was indeed honourable. One example is our brave soldiers who are fighting to protect and defend others from terror attacks. Although their acts are brave and honourable, even selfless, the truth is that no amount of goodwill can ever give any man a gate pass into the Kingdom of God.

The Gate Pass

There's only one kind of key for every lock, and it is the same with the Kingdom of God. We have to go through the only way to enter it! Matthew 7:13-14 tells us, "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it."

That sounds quite terrifying, right? Think about it: the gateway is very narrow, the road is difficult, and not many find it. How then are we ever going to enter it?

For sure we can't enter it by doing good. We will always fall short of God's requirements. (see Romans 3:20)

For sure we can't say we're worthy of it because of our achievements or kindness. No one is good, no one is righteous. (Romans 3:10)

For sure we can't enter it by being religious. Even Jesus says He doesn't know some who will call Him "Lord" at the end of days. (see Matthew 7: 21-23; Luke 6:46)

So How Do We Get There?

Only through believing in Christ and His finished work.

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'" (John 14:6)