Billy Graham: People Should Give Thanks Before Each Meal

The Graham family enjoy their Thanksgiving meal.(Facebook/Franklin Graham)

It's a nice custom for Christian families to bow their heads in prayer even in public places just to give thanks to the food that is placed before them, and world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham says it's a practice that has long been upheld in his family.

"I have had scores of waiters and waitresses tell me that when we bowed our heads, it was the first time they had ever seen that happen in their restaurant," Graham wrote on his website.

He said it's sad to witness families partake of their meals without first acknowledging God. In this age of secularism, a lot of people feel insecure about displaying their faith. Graham said even at the privacy of their own homes, most Christian families don't know how to say grace.

"Millions never pause to give a word of thanks to God for the food provided. Few homes have a moment of thanksgiving at the beginning of the meal or at any other time of the day. Even at Thanksgiving time, only a minority will pause and give thanks to God," he said.

Graham said Christians must make it a habit to say grace before each meal. He said thanksgiving is a recognition of a debt that cannot be paid. When people express thanks, they are recognising their dependence on God. "We express thanks, whether or not we are able otherwise to reimburse the giver," he said.

Graham also said that God loves His people so much that He sent His only Son to the world so that man will not have to face life and eternity alone.

"Christ's coming to the world proved that God was not happy with man's unhappiness. He sent Him not only that we might have eternal life but that we might have life here and now, and that we might have it more abundantly — Life with a capital L!" he said.