6 Signs That We Are Ruled By a Prosperity Gospel


The church exists as a buttress and pillar of truth, which is the gospel that we live by. Our view of the gospel, the work of Christ, is foundational and affects everything we say and do.

There are many enemies of the gospel, and we should be on watch for errors and wrong mindsets that distort our view of Christ and His finished work.

One of the most prevalent challenges to the gospel is prosperity teaching. At the heart of the prosperity gospel is a shift of emphasis that is supposed to be on Christ to us, making our financial blessing and our needs the focus instead of God's goodness and grace. Any challenge to the gospel is dangerous.

Talking about false gospels, Paul says, "not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ." (Colossians 3:7)

We are to keep watch for the danger that is prosperity gospel. Here are six outwards signs that we may be ruled by prosperity teaching.

1. You Find It Hard to Obey God in Difficulty

We are urged to trust and worship God in both good and bad times. But sometimes we find it tough to make Jesus Lord when times are tough, especially financially. When we refuse to obey God when He doesn't provide, it shows that we only put our hearts on the blessings of God and not on God.

2. Money Plays Too Big a Part in Following God's Will

You've probably interacted with people who felt called to a different path but were too afraid to answer the call at the expense of their well-paying jobs and comfort. They are the rich young rulers who need a miracle to pass through the needle with their camel-sized selfishness. But the good news is nothing is impossible with God.

3. Your Relationships Are Affected By Money

When we let relationships be affected by money or what we get out of it, we walk in conditional and transactional love instead of the unconditional love Christ offers us and calls us to walk in.

4. It Comes Out in Your Speech

"The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks," Jesus once said (Luke 6:45). Our value comes out of our mouth too often and we can't control it.

5. There's Challenge In Giving

One true measure of faith is one's ability to build a culture of generosity. Refusing to be generous is often ruled by a fear of letting go of God's blessings at the expense of obedience towards God.

6. Prayer Is Barely About Interceding for Other's Needs

Yes, we are commanded to pray for our daily bread, but we are also called to be intercessors for others who stand at the breach and who ask God for blessings. A prayer filled with personal needs becomes evidence of a heart ruled by false prosperity teaching.