5 Ways to Bless Your Spouse – Without Spending a Lot of Money


There are many ways to bless your spouse to strengthen your marriage. Contrary to how some people might think, one doesn't need loads of cash to do that. What you only need is love for your spouse.

Are you looking for ways to bless your spouse without spending a lot of money? Here are some things that you'll enjoy doing for the love of your life.

1. Pray for Your Spouse

The most affordable thing you can do is pray for your spouse. Don't be fooled: Praying for your spouse might only take a few minutes or hours of your time each day, but it brings about the most powerful of results!

James 5:16b tells us, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

2. Serve Your Spouse

Serving your spouse need not be expensive, unless you want to make it extravagant. Open the door for your wife. Prepare breakfast for your husband. Give extra effort to do simple chores for each other. Find ways to make everyday life a joy for your spouse. You'll enjoy the benefits.

Ephesians 5:21 tells us, "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."

3. Respect Each Other's Differences

Truth be told, many marriage problems spring up when the husband or wife doesn't respect each other's differences. We do this by expecting that our spouse will like what we like, think the way we do, and understand us the way we want them to understand us. Seriously, these are unreasonable demands.

God created man and woman differently. God made man from dust, signifying a raw, rough product. The woman, on the other hand, was made from man; therefore she is a refined product. These origins alone give us an idea that man and woman will be pretty different in their preferences, likes, dislikes, and personality.

Still, God was so wise when He declared in Genesis 2:24, "they shall become one flesh." It's a worthwhile pursuit, then, to honor each other's differences and strive to become one.

4. Do Not Keep a Record of Wrongs

It's easy to remember the times when your spouse offended you, did something you really didn't like, and got you frustrated and angry. It's not easy, however, to forgive and then decide not to keep a record of the wrongs done to you by your partner. Still, we are commanded to do the latter.

"[Love] keeps no record of wrongs." (1 Corinthians 13:5)

5. Speak Life to Your Spouse

Oftentimes we are tempted to speak negative, hurtful, damaging words to our spouse, especially when the latter hurts us. Still, we have the option to forgive and instead speak life and helpful words to them. Remember that you and your spouse are one, and if your words put your spouse down, you are actually pulling yourself down, too (see Ephesians 5:28-29).

"Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." (Colossians 4:6)