5 ways to bless your in-laws daily


Most married couples will admit that they've had problems with their in-laws to some extent. While nobody wants that, we can easily forget that when a man marries a woman, both of them marry into each other's families as well. What do we do about it?

Of course, there's nothing better than doing what is right. Are you looking for ways to improve your relationship with your in-laws? Here are five things you can do to bless your in-laws daily.

1) Share Jesus to your in-laws

It's natural for us to pray for our own parents and family, but did you know that God loves your in-laws too? Mark 1:30-31 tells us that Jesus healed Peter's sick mother-in-law, who in turn responded by waiting on Him.

"Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them." (Mark 1:30-31)

This passage implies that we should also bring the love of Jesus to our in-laws, and not just our own family.

2) Consider them as your family

Think about it: You are now one with your spouse. The last thing that you'd want to do is treat each other's family badly. Both the husband and the wife come from their respective families, and without their parents, they wouldn't even be born. Wouldn't it be nice to treat your husband's or wife's family well for taking care of your spouse before you married each other?

3) Take care of your spouse

Your in-laws are expecting that you treat your spouse well - after all, you married one of their family members. When you take care of your spouse, it gives them reason to trust you and be grateful for you even more. You all get bonuses!

4) Keep in touch with them

While both of you are busy building your own family, you need to remember that both your parents may be feeling your absence, even if you flew the nest a long time ago and it's in a spiritual sense. There's what experts call the "empty nest syndrome," where aging parents (especially widows/widowers) feel the loneliness of having their grown-up children leave the home or join a new family.

You can help keep your (and your spouse's) parents company by keeping in touch with them, if not visiting them. Send them a message. Give them a call. Send an email with a photo of you and your kids. These are sure to put a smile on your parents' faces.

5) Celebrate their special days

It wouldn't be hard to keep a calendar with your in-laws' birthday and even wedding anniversary dates are noted. When you celebrate their special days, it's like saying that they are special to you as well. You can also spend Christmas and other holidays with them, too.