5 things that might be hindering you from excelling in your work


God calls on believers to live out excellence in everything that they do—from their jobs, their personal relationships and even their hobbies. God doesn't ask us to be perfect, but simply to depend on the perfection of Jesus Christ while doing our best to honour Him in all that we do.

Life Coach William Mize says, "Perfect is never achievable, Excellent is benchmarks that you can hit, but with effort."

Whether it's a small task or a big long-term goal, we can do all things in an excellent manner—not because we are motivated by financial gains but because we thrive and grow in the overflowing grace from Jesus Christ who motivates us to do our best.

There will be days when you wake up feeling no urge to excel. This is normal. Figuring out what hinders you from excelling will get you back on track towards excellence.

Here are five things that could be hindering you from excelling in all your undertakings.

Your past mistakes. You want to become excellent today, but that wrong decision you made yesterday is pulling you down. Know that we serve a God who keeps no record of wrongs for those who trust in His forgiveness. Everyone will make mistakes, but know that Jesus has already addressed your failures.

Your strengths. It's ironic to think that your strength can stymie your excellent work streak. But sometimes we depend too much on what we are good at and forget to put out extra effort to serve or to trust God. Strengths can be limiting if we make it a comfort zone.

The opinions of others. Are the opinions of people dragging you down and preventing to do what you do best? You need to have the same attitude Paul had in Galatians 1:10 where he said, "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."

We serve Jesus at the end of the day and go for His pleasure most.

Your personal needs. It's practical to think that serving and giving your best with an empty wallet can be tough. But let us remember that even in times of lack and trial, God will be our provider and our strength. If it's God's will, it's His bill.

Fear of the future. 1 John 4:18a reminds us, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear."

When we are filled with the perfect love of Jesus, we will be motivated to do our best to please Him and serve others, not entertain the fears and anxieties that the future holds for us.