4 things to remember when you're finding it difficult to get God's grace


We're so accustomed to getting what we deserve. From good grades (and bad ones) to promotions, so much of what we do is about receiving something in return for the effort or investment we put in.

Thank-you notes and presents from students and clients and tips from happy customers don't shock us anymore, even if we're not expecting them. And it's common for us to accept such gifts from those who we've supported or served with little or no hesitation.

God's grace doesn't fit into this framework. He gives to us a great deal even when we're undeserving and unable to repay Him. He does this because He loves us even though we've failed Him.

And for this reason, some of us can have a hard time truly appreciating what His grace means for us.

If you find it hard to get your head around God's grace, these four things are worth remembering and referring back to.

1. His grace renews

When we declare to God that we accept His Son as our saviour, we vow to turn our backs on sin. But because we're not without fault and never will be, slip-ups are inevitable. Thankfully, God's grace doesn't run out.

Knowing that God's grace and mercies are renewed each day shouldn't be viewed as our safety net when we sin but as a driving force instead pushing us to respond to His overflowing compassion with obedience while we extend grace and mercy continually to those around us.

The renewing properties of grace aren't limited to God's delivery of it, they also apply to the effect it has on us. Grace renews us spiritually. Because of it we are dead to sin but alive in Christ, Romans 6:11.

2. It's yours even though you don't deserve it

Abandoning a life of sin is important if we are to fully experience grace, but that doesn't mean we should forget our past.

Regardless of what we do, we'll never have done enough to deserve God's grace. But that doesn't mean it's not ours for the taking. We should never feel that our past sins are an obstacle to us receiving it. Just look at the examples of people who turned their lives around in the Bible to receive God's favour for further encouragement.

3. It's been paid for

Sometimes we can take for granted the things we receive and haven't worked for. We're not billed for the cost of God's great act of grace. We don't have to give Him something of equivalent value in order to receive it. However, that doesn't mean it didn't come at a great cost. Jesus gave His life so that we could know God's grace and that incredible sacrifice is something that we should bear in mind when we find ourselves taking it for granted.

4. Although you can't ever repay Him, you can still show your appreciation

Do you ever feel guilty when given an expensive or extremely thoughtful present which you know that you'll never be able to match? We can sometimes feel that way about God's gift of salvation.

No matter how little we sin or how much good we do, we'll never be able to earn God's grace. But just because we can't earn it, doesn't mean we can't show our gratitude for it.

The initial step in our appreciation of God's grace is achieved through faith when we accept the gift by acknowledging Jesus as the only route to our salvation. Once we do this our actions need to demonstrate the change they had on us. We can do this by endeavouring to turn our backs on sin and live a life in accordance with Christ's teaching. It's important to remember what we can do when we feel particularly undeserving of God's grace.