3 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage This Year


Marriage is a wonderful commitment that runs for a lifetime. Unlike every year that ends every 365 days, a Christian couple's marriage continues until the day they die. Why not desire to strengthen it and see it bloom as the years go by?

Beautiful Year-Ender

Many of us celebrate the end of the year with parties, big dinners, and family reunions. One thing that I'd like to celebrate at the end of the year is my marriage to my beautiful wife. As the years go by, I want our marriage to be stronger and more focused on God and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As this year ends, I want a stronger marriage. As the New Year begins, I want an even stronger marriage. Husbands and wives should desire for their marriages to be strengthened, too.

Would you want to strengthen your marriage as the year ends? Here are some things that you should definitely do.

1. Totally Forgive Each Other for This Year's Hurts

All marriages aren't perfect, and for sure married people have been hurt by their spouses. Instead of merely looking forward to next year, look back to the times you've been hurt by your spouse and given your forgiveness.

If you're the one who has hurt your spouse, ask for forgiveness and repent from the wrong or sin that you did. There's nothing better to do than to leave this year's hurts and bitterness and enter the New Year with a heart without any baggage.

2. Thank God for Each Other

Next, make it a point to be grateful to the Lord for each other. In your personal prayer times, thank God for your spouse. When you pray together, do thank God for each other and pray for one another.

My wife and I remind each other of how grateful we are to God for bringing us together. He was the one who brought us to each other. Our marriage is a gift from Him. So is your marriage to your spouse.

3. Talk About Your Plans for the Next Year

The Bible is clear that God created man to take dominion of His creation (see Genesis 1:26). He then created woman to accompany the man in taking dominion, a "helper suitable for him" (see Genesis 2:18). That doesn't mean the wife is a second-class citizen nor is she a housemaid, but rather a co-labourer and partner in pursuing God's divine purposes.

It would be best, then, that spouses sit down and make plans for the next year together. Husbands and wives shouldn't go separate ways as if they're two different people with two different purposes. Jesus quoted Genesis, saying that a husband will be one with his wife (see Matthew 19:5-6; Genesis 2:24). It would be best to realise that it also meant that husbands should never desire to do the will of God alone, leaving their wives – and vice-versa.