3 Ways Husbands Can Make Their Wives Happy on a Daily Basis


All married men are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the church. He came not to be served but to serve, paying the price for our salvation. His love is the very basis for how we men must love our wives. Although that is difficult, it doesn't mean that it's not pleasurable to do it.

Husbands who show love to their wives actually show love for themselves (see Ephesians 5:28).

This simply means that if a husband wants to be happy, he must invest in the happiness of his wife. That doesn't mean becoming her slave or something like that. But it does mean being totally committed to giving her a reason to be happy and grateful to God for the rest of her life.

When I married my wife, I knew I was going to enjoy a lifetime of looking for ways to make her happy. My wife's smile, laughter, and joy delight me. Is your wife's happiness yours, too? I pray it is.

If you're looking for ways to make your wife happy on a daily basis, you won't need to look far and wide. All that you need is God and you. Here are some ways to make your wife happy, naturally.

1. Serve Her

Serving your wife would be a very inexpensive yet sweet way to make her happy. Remember: Small things count.

For example, look forward to waking up in the morning to prepare breakfast for her. Wives are usually treated as if it's their role and responsibility to prepare coffee and pancakes in the mornings. Try to reverse that.

2. Talk to Her Often

A wife desires to have a deep connection with her husband, one that's characterised by intimate conversations and non-sexual affection. Initiating conversations over mealtimes and other moments can be a great way to establish that connection.

Try opening yourself up to her when you get home from work. Your wife would really love to know how you spent your day, even if you talk to her about it every single day.

3. Pursue and Protect Her

Men, we all have to realise that our wives have this God-mandated desire for our affection and protection. After the fall, God told Eve that her "desire will be for [her] husband," which simply means that she will long for him (see Genesis 3:16). Same goes for every woman.

Why is this so, you ask? Think: Before Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit, she was attacked by the serpent's cunning lies. Where's Adam during the whole time Satan was deceiving Eve? Genesis 3:6 says he was "with her" when it all happened.

Adam, who was told by God not to eat the fruit, did nothing to protect Eve from the serpent and certain death. He remained passive while his wife was in front of imminent danger.

This passivity is something that all wives want to remove from their husbands. Our wives long for us to protect them, pursue them, and make sure they're safe and secure.