3 tips to glorifying God in your workplace while enjoying your work


Delighting ourselves in the Lord means that we will make Him our joy and reason to be happy all the time. Following this definition, we can choose to delight in God wherever we are – at home, at work, and inside and outside the church.

In the workplace, we all know that stressful situations arise from time to time. Deadlines come up, the boss goes into a fit once in a while, and the tiring commute drains workers daily. Not to mention the after-work problems: the bills that pile up, the chores that need to be done at home, not to mention the things that need to be fixed in the kitchen. And oh, the baby needs his diapers changed.

Did you know that with all these stressful things, you can still be able to perform well at work and enjoy it? God enables us to work well. He has also given us the capacity to produce wealth enough to cover our worries. He's our perfect provider.

Here are some tips to help you enjoy glorifying God in your workplace.

1. Keep in mind that your Boss is Jesus Christ

When we're working for bosses who don't appreciate our outputs, we tend to just work for the money. But when we know that our boss appreciates our labour, which is a product of our sweat, blood and tears, we will work even better – even if the pay is not that much. This latter thing is but one of the benefits of having Jesus as our Boss and Master.

Christ already paid the price for us to be accepted as children of God. In Him we are already appreciated by God. All that we need to do is to do the good things we were meant to do. And that includes doing our jobs well, without the need to impress (see Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:24; Ephesians 2:10).

2. Remember your role as Christ's ambassador

We are given the honour of representing Christ wherever we go (see 2 Corinthians 5:20). We are God's representative in our companies, showing our superiors and colleagues how God is like with how we work, interact with others, and carry ourselves.

Knowing this, strive to get to know how good, loving, kind and gracious our God and Father is, and let your dealings at work be a reflection of God's goodness to you.

3. Be excited for your reward in heaven – Christ Himself

Yes, we do get paid for our work efforts, but more than just that, at the finish line of this spiritual race we are running is Christ, waiting for us to give us the reward that He has prepared for all of us. Think about it: You get compensated for your labour in your job, and you will be rewarded for all the good things you do to the glory of God while on earth. It's a win-win situation (see Philippians 3:14).