3 Things Single Men Should Desire in a Future Wife


Marriage is a beautiful thing. The relationship between a godly husband and wife is splendid, and the commitment to love one another exclusively for the rest of a married couple's life together is truly wonderful.

But before the marriage, single men and women don't have to be miserable and should not think that marriage will complete their lives.

Depending on his personality, values and dreams, a single man will almost always desire to have a great career, marry a beautiful wife, and have a prosperous married life. Having no clear ideas as to the kind of woman to marry, however, will spell a possible lifetime of regret.

To help you single men out there, keep this in mind: You should know what things to desire in a wife. If you don't, you might end up marrying the wrong person.

Here's a list of three things that single men should desire in a future wife.

1. A Woman Who Fears the Lord

Proverbs 31:30 tells us, "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."

Many men are enamoured by a woman's beauty and are captured by her charm, but the Bible clearly says that both are wrong standards in choosing a wife.

Beauty fades. If you marry a woman because you found her pretty, it's likely that you'll have trouble because there are many women in the world who might catch your eye even if you're already married.

Charm, on the other hand, is very deceptive. If this is the main reason why you pursued that girl, you're going to have trouble. Charm usually makes young men blind to the real issues that matter, such as character and convictions.

This doesn't mean you should look for an ugly woman. But you shouldn't marry a woman just because of her charm or beauty. Choose to pray for a woman who loves and fears God more than anything else, even more than you.

2. A Woman With Great Character

Proverbs 31:10-29 has a long list of amazing virtues, characteristics, and attitudes that a man should desire in a woman. Although verse 10 notes that such women are hard to find, God knows who the right woman is to be your wife (see Genesis 2:18-22, 24). Seek Him so that you'd know who the right woman is.

Take note, however, that no matter how godly and amazing a woman's character can be, she is still human. God gave Eve to Adam; she might not be perfect, but she's "perfect" for Adam. Your God-given wife, no matter how imperfect, will be "perfect" for you.

3. A Woman Who Will Help You Pursue God More Than Anything Else

Friend, marriage is given to us so that we could pursue God and His will for us. Thus, the woman you should marry is one that loves God and wants to see you loving God more than you would love her.

If you marry the wrong woman, you might end up like Job, whose wife told him, "Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die" (Job 2:9).

You wouldn't want your wife to stop you from pursuing God. If she has a higher place than God in your life, she will be your god or idol, and you'll displease God with that (see Exodus 20:3-6).