3 reasons why you should value yourself


Valuing yourself is a very important thing to understand and do. When we don't value ourselves, we are actually saying that we don't value what God has made, what God cherishes, and what God has in mind.

Let's take a look at these three reasons why we should value ourselves.

1. God made you

Have you ever read in Genesis that out of everything visible that the Lord God has made, only you were the one He made with not just His words? When He made the sun, the stars, the earth, the seas, the beasts of the field and the birds of the air, all that He needed to do was say "let there be."

For us humans, however, He did more than just that. First, He said "let us make man in our image," signifying that it was an excitedly unanimous decision between God's three persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost – and then on top of that, He made us in His image. Wow. Doesn't that mean you shouldn't worry about your looks anymore?

Second, He made us with more effort: the man was formed out of the dust and the woman was made from the man's rib, and both of them were given breath. Doesn't that mean that we're not "social animals" or "just another species on the food chain"? No, you're not an animal, and you should understand that.

2. God cherishes you

Have you ever realised that from Genesis to Revelation we can see that God has been pursuing man – His very creation – simply because we all matter to God? Think about it.

God is already complete in Himself. He owns the cattle, the fields where the cattle live and the land where that field is located (see Psalm 50:9-12). He also owns the body of water near the land that contains the field where the cattle graze. He also owns the planet that holds the bodies of water and land. He also owns galaxies, in one of which our planet is located. He owns the entire universe!

Yet in all His greatness and vastness, He came in the form of a human so that He could save us from our sins and make us His very own children, adopted through Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice and following resurrection. Whoa! God cherishes you that much!

You may not comprehend how deep, how wide, and how strong this love is, but it's true.

3. God has plans for you

God's plans for you aren't limited to creating you, then saving you from sin. His plans also include transforming you into the likeness of His one and only Son Jesus Christ, giving you an inheritance in Him as His beloved child, and co-working with you so that you could bring the message of the gospel of Christ to all the world so that men would be reconciled to God (see 2 Corinthians 5:18-20). Yes, His plans go beyond providing for you. His plans include giving your life meaning and purpose, a meaning and purpose that can only be found in Him.

Value yourself

Friend, value yourself because God values you. When you do, it will be easier for you to love Him, serve Him, and give Him praise all the days of your life.