3 reasons why Jesus makes us more joyful than anything else


Joy is more than just an emotion. It's a state where we sense great happiness, which is not given by outward circumstances. Material things can make us happy. The presence of real friends makes us happy. Achieving our dreams make us happy. But only Jesus gives us real joy.

Not convinced? Here are three reasons why Jesus makes us more joyful than anything else.

1. Happiness is passing; Jesus' joy is not

The happiness certain things bring often passes away with the things that brought them. A new smartphone makes us happy, but it disappoints us when it breaks. New friends make us happy, but they make us sad when they betray or leave us. Receiving our salaries makes us happy, but the bills and other necessities drain the money we received and that drains the happiness it brought.

Jesus, on the other hand, gives us great joy when we have Him. This joy lasts for all eternity, as He is eternal. No matter what trial we face, we can have all joy in Jesus, who lives forever.

2. Happiness is relative; Jesus' joy is not

A person's happiness depends on what he likes. One likes pizza; it makes him happy. Another likes pasta; it makes him happy. One child likes to play basketball. Another likes baseball. Happiness, which is brought by external factors, is very relative and subject to personal preference.

Jesus' joy, on the other hand, encompasses everyone's preferences and surpasses everyone's expectations. Everyone is a sinner, and no one is exempted from God's righteous and just decrees. All men have sinned (see Romans 3:23), and because of this no one can ever meet God's standards. But Jesus paid the price for us to be forgiven and accepted by God as His very own children. Oh, what joy it is that Jesus brings!

3. Happiness can be bought; Jesus' joy cannot be

Because happiness can be given by material things, it simply follows that happiness can be bought. A nice dinner in a fancy restaurant, a cool bath in a mountain spring resort, a beautiful and expensive watch—all of these can be bought at a price we can afford when we work hard. Still, they require some sort of effort.

The joy that Jesus brings is something no man can ever work for. It's already paid for with His blood. Jesus paid the price for us to be saved from our sins, from the judgment that we deserved, and from the bondages that once held us captive to sin. He paid the price for us to become God's children, safely tucked inside the Father's embrace. Only Jesus can do that.