3 lessons parents can learn from Noah

Pexels / Joe Buchmann

The Bible gives us men and women who set great examples of how we can conduct life. From finances, leading, relationships and ministry, the Bible gives us complete guidelines that instruct us in the way we are to go.

God's Word also provides many instructions and principles that teach us about God's heart as a Father and how we can catch His heart as well. Not only that. The Bible also provides us with real and concrete examples of how to be parents who both build up our children and honor God.

Noah is one example we can follow in parenthood. Although his life isn't the best picture of perfect living (only Jesus's life was), the Bible does say that Noah was a righteous man (Genesis 6:9). Here are three lessons that parents can learn from Noah on raising children.

Set an example

The way Noah conducted himself affected not only his life but also the life of His family. Genesis 6:9 tells us that "...Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God."

Because of the life Noah lived for his sons to see, Ham, Shem and Japheth grew up in the same faith as Noah did. Not only did the three sons obey and trust that their father wasn't going crazy by building a boat for hundreds of years, they also continued to live in that faith carrying out the covenant that God made with them.

Make your call a family affair

When God called Noah to include his wife and children in the work he was set to do, Noah didn't argue and say, "Can't I just do it myself, Lord? They just might slow me down." He readily obeyed and involved His family by bringing them onto the Ark.

What is God calling you to do? While our children and our wives don't necessarily play a direct role in our careers, callings and ministry, we can get them involved by asking for their support and prayers, reminding them that we cannot fulfill God's call without the foundation that is the love of the family.

Family comes first

Noah could have brought anyone else on board the Ark who would contribute to the mission. Perhaps someone skilled in taking care of animals or someone who was good with naval navigation, but God called Noah to bring his family.

This shows God's heart that in this world, we are to value the teams we build at home before any other team. Sure our teams at work can help us get the job done faster, but unless our family is in order, we cannot fulfil God's plans the way that He wants them done.