3 Bible figures you should be careful not to resemble in your life


The Bible gives us examples of figures that we should never imitate because they have characteristics that should not be found in any Christ-follower.

While the Bible gives us figures to imitate and desire to be like, such as the Lord Jesus, the apostles Paul, Peter, Philip, James, and John, as well as king David, the Bible also gives us some figures to avoid emulating. Here are some of them.

Judas Iscariot (see Luke 22)

Of all the men in the Bible, this guy has got to be the most privileged ever, at least to me. Why? He was specifically chosen by Jesus and trusted by Him. Judas Iscariot got to spend every day of his life in constant communion with the Saviour, seeing Him do good things, hearing Him speak the Father's heart, and being there as the perfect reminder and personification of God's love. Yet, Judas betrayed Jesus for a mere thirty pieces of silver. He never even repented, instead he committed suicide. (see Matthew 27:3-5)

Let us not be like Judas, who will trade God for material things, and then run away from Him instead of drawing near to Him when he falls.

King Ahab (see 1 Kings 16-22)

Israel's king was actually blessed to have the man of God Elijah around, but instead chose to listen to Jezebel, who caused all Israel to sin. In fact, Jesus hates Jezebel, specifically mentioning her in Revelation 2. Ahab was blindly seduced by this woman, who kept feeding his desires while manipulating him through his insecurities.

Let us not be like king Ahab who will not listen to God's corrections and rebukes. Let us instead be a pure people who will build ourselves in His holiness, and find our confidence and security in Christ who was overcome the world.

The Pharisees (see Matthew 23)

Here are the people who possessed a form of godliness yet were devoid of its power and knew little of mercy or love. The Pharisees pride themselves in their knowledge of the Bible and their standing as religious figures in their time, yet Jesus calls them a "brood of vipers" (Matthew 23:33) who do not do what the Bible says! Instead, they demand that they be given honour and respect, contrary to what Jesus said: be a servant.

Let us not be like the Pharisees who were proud of their religion and religiosity, but were not really obeying the Word of God and living for God's purposes. Instead, let us submit to God and His goodness; and be fully dependent on His grace, not in our strength.